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An Olympic Games Story You Won’t Read About in your Newspapers!!!


Written by: Rev. Augustin Ahimana

Head of Planning and Development

Province of the Episcopal Church of Rwanda

Two years ago, God surprised me with a challenge: “Rwandan racers should participate in Athens Olympic Games in 2004!”

I wondered whether God was not mistaken. I could not understand how an evangelist could be asked to mobilize the youth for Olympic Games. I said: “But Lord this is the responsibility of the Government. It is beyond the ability of the Church.” And God said: “You shall do it!”

The way God does His business sometimes looks foolish. However, “the foolishness of God is wiser than men.” (I Corinthians 1:25). Whenever God says, trust and obey. It was in May 2002 that, through the friendly heart of a man of God, the Lord spoke to me and said: “Why shouldn’t Rwandan racers excel at Olympic Games? You’ve got to do something!” The more I took time to seek for God’s guidance, the more I got new insights and discovered His instruction was serious. I started making feasibility studies. I realized it was a great opportunity to enable Rwandan youth reach their God given potential in racing. In the process, we planned to raise the awareness against HIV/AIDS in the whole country, and reinforce the message on unity, peace and reconciliation among Rwandan communities.

What was once a dream became a reality. A countrywide project was initiated and races were organized from the grass root upwards: in all 1545 sectors of Rwanda, 106 districts, 12 provinces and at national level. With that, a total of 1664 races took place in the whole country and enabled the celebration of the following successes:

– The youth promptly responded and eagerly took part in the races at sector, district, provincial and national levels. At least 160,000 runners participated.

– The youth with hidden talents were able to exhibit their skills. Those who had never had chance to take part in such competitions have done so, and in some cases have excelled during the races. One of the examples is the races held on July 10th at provincial level in Ruhengeri. Young girls from Cyeru District have beaten their colleagues who were already known as professionals at national and international levels.

– The collaboration between the Church and the Government was very excellent and the project enhanced our relationship.

– The project allowed more opportunities for the Gospel. The theme of the project is in John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (ESV). The Church reminded people that sin comes as a thief to steal, kill and destroy- adultery that paves way for HIV/AIDS; jealousy and selfishness that lead to hatred and killing each other… But God’s purpose is to give humankind abundant life.

– The races enabled to mobilize around 4.5 million people countrywide from the sector level to national level, who came to watch competing boys and girls, and thus receiving message against HIV/AIDS, and message on unity, peace and reconciliation.

– At each level, the best racers – the first 5 boys and first 5 girls – were rewarded with prices intended for poverty alleviation: seeds, agriculture tools, livestock and others of that nature.

– The ten best racers were identified as shown below. The distance covered was longer than initially planned, and the itinerary challenging to allow adequate selection. Out of 160,000 racers countrywide, the following are the young boys and girls selected at national level on August 16th, 2003:

Category Name of runner Performance Province of Origin

Boys 1. Disi Dieudonné 31’48”21 Ruhengeri


2. Ndagijimana J. Bosco 32’20”36 Ruhengeri

3. Bivahagumye Valence 32’32”65 MVK

4. Bagambiki François 32’35”21 MVK

5. Mvuyekure J. Pierre 32’37”04 Byumba

Girls 1. Nyirabarame Epiphanie 20’15”44 MVK

(5.5 Km)

2. Dusabimana Hilarie 20’23”29 Ruhengeri

3. Musabyimana Alphonsine 20’34”70 Ruhengeri

4. Nyiraguhirwa Clémentine 20’50”65 MVK

5. Mukamirita Séraphine 20’59”94 Ruhengeri

The Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, Mr. Robert Bayigamba, gave the starting signal for racing and delivered prices to best racers. The first three boys and first three girls received a cow each. Both fourth and both fifth received three goats each. The Most Rev. Emmanuel Kolini, Archbishop of the Episcopal Province of Rwanda, Bishop Geoffrey Rwubusisi and Bishop John Rucyahana together with the representative of the Prefect of Ruhengeri participated in giving prices as well.

The Church continued working hand in hand with the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, and the Rwandan Athletics Federation, to prepare the national team for the Olympic Games. As a result, three athletes are representing Rwanda at the current Olympic Games in Athens, Greece!

The races gave us a tremendous opportunity to minister to many people in a very short time, particularly the youth. And this is going to continue. Therefore, whenever God says, let’s trust, obey and do.

Praise be to God.


Rowland Croucher

http://jmm.org.au/ http://articlesandreviews.blogspot.com/


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