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Brethren: questions and some answers

Questions and answers about the Brethren. You’ll figure where the questions from David give way to my responses!

Feb. 25, 2005

This group is not thickly populated David, but let me offer some comments from DownUnder. I was brought up in the Open Brethren and occasionally still preach in their assemblies and speak to elders’/ Christian workers’ conferences etc.

(You can read about my upbringing in the Brethren at http://jmm.org.au/articles/8062.htm )

Cryptic comments below…

“David” wrote in message .

Hello all,

I am new to this group. I am doing some private research on the religious community known as “Open Brethren” (the group associated with H.A. Ironside) in the US. I don’t know if I am looking in the right place, but came across this “Plymouth Brethren” newsgroup in hopes of receiving some answers.

What are the doctrinal and practical distinctives of “Open Brethren”? I am aware of weekly Lord’s Supper and opposition to denominationalism–anything else you can add?

Fundamental Christian doctrines…

What is their teaching/practice on Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, or other “holy days”? Are these observed? If so, to what extent? Are they “conscience” issues? Outside of Sunday worship, are there any other special worship services at other times?

Often a prayer meeting during the week. Christmas is observed except among the most strict, as is Easter…

I know that each congregation has a plurality of elders and deacons.

Many of the more conservative in Oz don’t have deacons…

Are elders the same as “pastors” (that is to say, that no one individual is “the shepherd”–other than Christ, I presume)? How are elders, deacons, or preachers addressed? Are they called “Reverend”, “Pastor”, “Brother”, etc., or just on a first name basis?

Never Reverend. Sometimes pastor in the more progressive assemblies/churches

What is the attitude of “Open Brethren” toward other evangelical, Bible-believing churches. Are they considered true Christians as well?

Yes: especially after the Billy Graham crusades, when they had to meet these people…

If a member of an “Open Brethren” church would leave and go join another church, would there be repercussions for them or their family (e.g. any “shunning”, etc.)?

From the more conservative ones, yes…

What is the attitude about marriage and divorce? About husband “headship” and wifely “submission”?

Conservative mostly

What about child-rearing practices, such as corporal punishment (e.g. spanking, washing mouth with soap, etc.)?

Yep: but less so than a generation ago…

Restrictions on higher education or service in military or on police force? What about politics (seeking/holding public office, voting, jury duty, etc.)?

AOK with these

What about entertainment? Movies? Television? Going to bathing beaches/public swimming pools? Going to nightclubs? Dancing? Gambling (including lotteries, bingo, private “betting”, etc.)?

All frowned on, though swimming in public places OK in Oz

Use of slang or “worldly” speech?


What about men or women’s clothing (e.g. hair length, pants on women, etc.)?

Depends on how conservative…

Restrictions on listening to secular or other “modern” (jazz, rock and roll, etc) music?


Any dietary restrictions? Alcohol or tobacco use, etc.?

Bad, bad.

Do “Open Brethren” have any restrictions on instrumental music in the context of a worship service?

Not the more progressive ones (which in Oz are the only assemblies growing)

What Bible translations are most popular among the “Open Brethren”?

Conservative – KJV. Progressive – NIV

What is required of a prospective member? Do they just say to the elders, “I’d like to join”, and they’re in? Or are they “examined” in private about their beliefs? Must one give the congregation a “public testimony”? What exactly is the procedure here? What about financial giving? Must one give a certain “percent”, or is that between the individual and God?

Is there “freedom of belief” with regard to “non-essentials”? For example, are members required to be “pre-trib” with respect to the end times? What if one openly professes otherwise (e.g. post or mid-trib premil or even post or amil)? Are different schools of thoughts allowed on this? What about in other areas?

Conservative – mostly dispensational; progressive – anything you like!

Well, I realize I’ve asked a lot of questions, but I really hope that someone can assist me here. And if you can point me toward sites that list congregations throughout the US I will be extremely grateful (couldn’t find a listing in my local telephone directory). One last thing, outside of Loizeaux (sp?) Brothers are there any other major “Open Brethren” publishers or publications?

Use Google: there are some excellent Brethren resources on line.

Here’s an article from a talk I gave to a Baptist church who were thinking of joining a progressive Brethren Assembly in Tasmania (it didn’t come off) – http://jmm.org.au/articles/8211.htm

I will really appreciate any info that anyone can share on these matters. Many thanks in advance for all your kind help!



— Shalom! Rowland Croucher


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