“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none” (Ezekiel 22:30 KJV).
In 1858, a Boston Sunday School teacher named Kimball began visiting one of his students at the shoe store where he worked as a clerk. Eventually he led him to Christ. That student’s name was D.L. Moody.
Twenty-one years later, Moody, now an evangelist, visited London, and a great spiritual awakening took place. F. B. Meyer, a local pastor, went to hear Moody, and his life was transformed. Later Meyer went to America to preach, and in one of his meetings a student named J. Wilbur Chapman got saved. Chapman became active in the YMCA, where he met and discipled a former baseball player called Billy Sunday.
Billy Sunday became a great revivalist, and in one of his crusades in Charlotte, a group of businessmen came to Christ. A year later they decided that their city needed another crusade, so they invited Mordecai Hamm to be their speaker. After 3 weeks Hamm left town, discouraged because he’d only had one convert — a 12 year-old boy called Billy Graham!
One Sunday school teacher started it all! One brother, Andrew, led another brother called Peter to Christ; and Peter brought multitudes. One woman, whose name he still doesn’t know, led David Yonggi Cho, pastor of the world’s largest church (800,000 members), to Christ. One person – just one – can make all the difference. You can be that one!
— The Word For You Today and Celebration, Inc. Submitted by Douglas Roman
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