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Doug Gresham: CSLewis’ Stepson

I am constantly amazed at the wide variety of things in which people are interested concerning Jack and myself. As for the specific questions you asked:-

What are you doing these days?

I am kept fairly busy working as Artistic and Creative director to the C.S.Lewis Company, which is one of my full-time jobs, the other is working as the Active Executive Producer on The Chronicles of Narnia film series (The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe [2005] Prince Caspian [2008] and The Voyage of The Dawn Treader [2010] and I hope more to come). My wife Merrie and I have retired from the work of Rathvinden Ministries, which is now closed down, and we have moved to the island of Malta where, in contrast to Ireland, the sun actually does shine pretty regularly. I am also still fulfilling speaking engagements around the world now and then, speaking about Jack and my mother, and my life with them, and my own work in the service of Christ. Often this means addressing the question of abortion as it impacts the Christian mind. Another topic that I frequently am asked to talk about is the making of our movies.

My third full time job is my ministry by email to various folk around the world. I spend a large amount of time each day at my computer writing emails.

Merrie is still busy teaching Christianity Explained (the brilliant course devised by Michael Bennett) to all and sundry, and also running our large gardens and home here in Malta. We have both just returned home after a very busy week in London preparing for and attending the Royal Gala Premiere of The Voyage of The Dawn Treader at which we were honoured to meet Her majesty the Queen.

What happened to your brother?

My brother David and I have never been close. He lives in Switzerland most of the time, is married and has two sons. David decided to pursue Judaism at an early age, and has (as far as I know) done so ever since. We are not often in direct communication with each other.

What do you think of A.N. Wilson’s biography of C.S.Lewis?

The Wilson biography is, I think, the worst book I have ever read about Jack. It is my opinion that though well written in a sort of sensationalist journalism style, it is so full of errors and untruths as to be valueless to any serious scholar. As I have said before, if while studying C.S.Lewis, you read the wrong biography, you wind up studying the wrong C.S.Lewis. You can find yourself trying to make sense out of the study of a completely fictional character. I think the best biography of Jack is Jack: C.S.Lewis and His Times by George Sayer.

Very best wishes,
In Christ, Doug.


Older version (with an offer to connect via email with Doug):

Doug Gresham (one of C.S.Lewis’ stepsons, and the one that features in the various Shadowlands productions) is a good friend.

He has an email address: if you’d like it, email me with your reason/s for contacting him (he’s pretty busy) and I’ll pass your request for correspondence on to him… I promised some time back to ask Doug some questions about his step-father (now a bit dated – this took place probably in the early 2000’s).


Rowland Croucher


I am constantly amazed at the wide variety of things in which people are interested concerning Jack and myself. As for the specific questions you asked:-

What are you doing these days?

I am kept fairly busy working as Quality Control and Copyright Infringement Consultant to C.S.Lewis Pte, which is my actual job, working in my role as Consultant to Paramount Pictures and Kennedy Marshall, trying to make the projected film of The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe a good and faithful representation, and as good a movie as it can be. I’m also running Rathvinden ministries. Rathvinden is becoming busier as time goes by. We are now the seminar venue for ACCI (The Association of Christian Counsellors of Ireland), as well as the Irish centre for IPLCARR (The Institute of Pregnancy Loss and Child Abuse Research and Recovery). The hospitality ministry to Ministers is also busy, with visitors from all over the world. I am also flying back and forth across the face of the planet to speaking engagements. I speak about Jack and my mother, and my life with them, and my own work in the service of Christ. Often this means addressing the question of abortion as it impacts the Christian mind. I am writing for Scripture Union (Alive to God and Daily Bread) and also spend a large amount of time on my ministry by mail to people all over the world. Merrie [Doug’s wife] is still busy teaching Christianity Explained (the brilliant course devised by Michael Bennett) to all and sundry, and also running Rathvinden. We are both going to Nashville tomorrow where I am to speak at several events. On the 16th I will be at Davis Kidd Booksellers at 6.30pm., on the 17th at the Johnson Theatre Tennessee Performing Arts Center to lecture at 7.00pm., on the 18th at the same venue to introduce the play Shadowlands, and then speaking at a reception afterwards. Then returning to Rathvinden to greet two visiting families.

What happened to your brother?

My brother David and I have never been close. He lives in India most of the time, is married and has one son Isaac. David decided to pursue Judaism at an early age, and has (as far as I know) done so ever since. We are not in communication with each other.

What do you think of A.N. Wilson’s biography of C.S.Lewis?

The Wilson biography is, I think, the worst book I have ever read about Jack. It is my opinion that though well written in a sort of sensationalist journalism style, it is so full of errors and untruths as to be valueless to any serious scholar. As I have said before, if while studying C.S.Lewis, you read the wrong biography, you wind up studying the wrong C.S.Lewis. You can find yourself trying to make sense out of the study of a completely fictional character. I think the best biography of Jack is Jack: C.S.Lewis and His Times by George Sayer.

Very best wishes,

In Christ, Doug.


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