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Christianity And World Religions

[Conservative evangelical guide to Christianity and World Religions
– found on a newsgroup]:

YOU HAVE CALLED AND I HAVE ANSWERED… [inside joke for those who
have see the movie “The Dream Team”.]

The following books may be of interest to you:

The Compact Guide to World Religions. (1996) Dean C. Halverson,
General Editor. Bethany House Publishers: Minneapolis, Minnesota. ISBN:
1-55661-704-6 [Covers: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism,
Secularism, The New Age, and other world faiths. Charts summarize major

The Universe Next Door: A basic worldview catalog. 3rd Ed. (1997)
James W. Sire. InterVarsity Press: Downers Grove, IL. ISBN:
0-8308-1899-5 [This is a fascinating book which claims all world views
can be assessed based on how they answer 7 basic questions: 1) What is
prime reality – the really real; 2) What is the nature of external
reality, that is, the world around us; 3) What is a human being; 4) What
happens to a person at death; 5) Why is it possible to know anything at
all; 6) How do we know what is right and wrong; 7) What is the meaning
of human history? The world views examined are: a) Christian theism, b)
Deism, c) Naturalism, d) Nihlism, e) Existentialism, f) Eastern
pantheistic monism, g) New age, h) postmodernism. A particularly
interesting aspect of this book is that Sire describes these different
world views a progressive disintegrations from an original ideal. (Over
100,000 copies sold.)]

Disarming the Secular Gods: How to talk so skeptics will listen.
(1989) Peter C. Moore. InterVarsity Press: Downers Grove, IL. ISBN:
0-8308-1270-9 [Covers following views: New age, Humanist, Relativist,
Narcissist, Agnostic, Pragmatist, Hedonist, Cristian.]

Understanding the Times: The religious worldviews of our day and the
search for truth. (1991) David A. Noebell. Harvest House Publishers:
Eugene, OR. ISBN: 1-56507-2685 [Noebell compares 1) Secular humanism, 2)
Marxism/Leninism, 3) Christian theism, and 4) New age across the ten
catagories of: theology, philosophy, ethics, biology, psychology,
sociology, law, politics, economics, and history. 891 pages/hardcover.]

History and Cristianity: A vigorous, convincing presentation of the
evidence for a historical Jesus. (1964) John Warwick Montgomery. Bethany
House Publishers: Minneapolis, Minnesota. ISBN: 0-87123-890-X [I have
seen this man on TV arguing that the Bible is by far the most well
supported ancient document know to man. This is one of his books. It is
on my stack to read.]

Ready with An Answer: For the tough questions about God. (1997) John
Ankerberg and John Weldon. Harvest House Publishers: Eugene, OR. ISBN:
1-56507-618-4 [One of the best Christian apologetic books Iâve found so
far. Three parts: 1. Jesus Christ: the most unique man in history; 2.
Creation: the most unique phenomenon of existence; 3. The Bible: the
most unique book on earth.]


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