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Christianity: a comedian’s view

Christianity may be weird, but it has a quiet strength

  • APRIL 02, 2014
Over the centuries Christianity is a faith that has caused a huge splash, writes Milton J

Over the centuries Christianity is a faith that has caused a huge splash, writes Milton Jones. Source:News Limited

HELLO, I’m a comedian who is here for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. I am also a Christian … and if you are still reading this you may be interested to know there is nothing directly about my faith in my act. But I’ve been asked to write about something I care about, so here goes.

Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral has a fountain with the inscription, “He that drinks of the water that I shall give, will never have thirst again”.

But no more than a few metres away there is also a sign that says, “Recycled water. Do not drink”. That, to me neatly sums up most peoples’ attitude towards Christianity. Nice idea — but in practice whatever you do — don’t swallow it!

I think God’s creation is like him — inexplicably clever, outrageously excessive and a bit weird. But too many of us Christians just manage the “a bit weird” part (Often that isn’t helped by the media, which tries to find the oddest person with the most extreme views to represent Christianity).

Sometimes the church doesn’t help itself. I mean, run it past me one more time: Jesus came to identify with the suffering of ordinary people and now his chief “representatives” live in huge palaces and wear big pointy hats?

Also, sometimes it’s almost as if Christians can’t cope with the fact that if you really say “sorry”, God really does just let you off — so we have to make up other rules and special ways of talking, to sort of help punish everyone.

Often we Christians aren’t very good at saying sorry ourselves. Apparently, the Pope’s first tweet was “Praise the Lord”. Perhaps it should have been “OMG earth not centre of universe, soz Copernicus LOL” (To me, one of the mysteries of Christianity is why many Christians rarely admit that so much of it is a mystery). Maybe it all appears too weird, too confusing and you can’t take the risk of testing the waters, or possibly even being poisoned. But my point is, can you afford not to? We all have a natural revulsion against clear evil. It’s just if you’re an atheist it’s harder to explain.

Most of us agree, that both good and bad has been done in the name of religion, but maybe the bigger question is why we are talking about bad and good in the first place?

Yes, there’s superstition, fear and even abuse in the name of Christianity, but not everyone who wears the shirt of Melbourne Storm actually plays for the team, do they? In fact, anyone can buy a replica one and behave how they like. They might even actually support a rival team.

Of course, there are other religions and to be honest I don’t know much about them. All I can say is that when I stop still, I can feel the quiet power of a presence within me.

In my experience, to become a Christian is like being a fly buzzing around a room with no exit. Then someone gently guides you to an open window, when in retrospect it would have been a lot easier just to squash you flat in the first place. You’re free at last, but through no good action of your own.

Yes, many madmen purport to speak on behalf of God — some of them shouting in the high street, while others run whole countries. But over the centuries Christianity is a faith that has caused a huge splash, as people have given up their lives for it in all sorts of different ways.

The ripples still go on. I mean, apart from being involved at the beginning of science, systems of government, philosophy, art, schools, hospitals, the emancipation of women, the abolition of slavery, social welfare, helping form the basis of the moral code most people live by and introducing popular notions of justice, mercy, decency and compassion … what has Christianity ever really done for the world?

British comedian Milton Jones is appearing at the Melbourne Town Hall’s Supper Room until April 20.



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