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Financial Needs (history)

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(Rev. Dr.) Rowland Croucher

APRIL/JUNE 2002: God has been good. John Mark Ministries has failed to pay my monthly stipend ($20,000 Australian p.a.) only twice since this ministry began in 1991 (though the ministry owes us about $50,000). We can’t afford a secretary these days (we miss you Sue, Luci and Adele!) but we have a very competent volunteer keeps our financial records: thanks Angela! Several people donate their valuable time and expertise to keep our websites up-to-date and our computer working (thanks Bradley, Bonni, Peter, Martin, Ray, Tim, Daniel and Martin!). Three projects have been commissioned with the promise of financial help: a paper on Survival in Ministry for the Baptist Union of Western Australia, another on Ministerial Ethics for the Baptist Union of Victoria, and some ‘seed money’ has been donated to help establish the Pastors’ Wives Website. Our needs at present: F.W. Boreham books and booklets (sales of these on the ‘Net keep the ministry’s car going); financial donations to cover many hours of unremunerated counseling and writing; your prayers for this unique ministry.

UPDATE (December/January, 2000/2001): Thanks to all who have prayed for and given to this little ministry. The sale of Boreham books (including my library) has bought a car, and Jan’s superannuation plus a few other donations has wiped off the mortgage. (She now has a senior-age pension of – wait for it – $50 a week!) After our four-month sabbatical JMM’s coffers are just about empty, so your prayers (and/or invitations to preach/counsel) are still welcome! Thank you!

Dear ‘friend of John Mark Ministries’,

(Jan 2000)

I’m Philip Hughes, secretary of John Mark Ministries (Victoria).

First, my best wishes for the year 2000!

John Mark Ministries, as you know, primarily offers counseling and encouragement to hurting pastors, ex-pastors, church leaders and their spouses. Rowland Croucher, the director, normally gets a new contact/enquiry every day from people wanting help or advice in difficult situations.

However, after nine years of intensive work, Rowland needs a rest, and is taking a study-sabbatical until June/July 2000. (He still does a lot of email counseling, and work on the John Mark Ministries website, mail-list etc.)

The ‘downside’ of this is, of course, that there is no income from donations from counseling and retreats for this period. Rowland’s wife Jan has resigned from her pastoral position, and she will be on a senior-age pension from late January. They still have a $81,000 mortgage from the construction of their retirement flat / ministry centre. The ministry needs a new car. And Rowland has sold his personal Boreham library to help meet expenses.

Can you help?

Feel free to email Rowland with any questions. He’s around until mid-February, when he leaves for a study-tour of Israel, donated by a kind North American friend.

Thank you, and may God bless your ministry.

(Rev. Dr.) Philip Hughes
Christian Research Association

(Sept 1999)

Please pray for three financial needs: purchase of a better car to replace a dying
1970 Holden Torana; long-service leave (no funds at the moment); $10,000 to retreat
from counseling for a couple of months to write and publish a hand-book/manual for
pastors’ spouses, with Bible studies, case studies, discussion questions, prayer pointers: to
facilitate this neglected group of people getting together all over the world in local
groups to encourage one another!


Rowland Croucher


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