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Can I Love Jesus And Like Harry Potter?

By Darren Cronshaw

(Darren Cronshaw preached from this material at Aberfeldie Baptist Church on 13/1/2002. Accompanying powerpoint slides are available. Darren may redraft this material for a college essay in March 2002. He invites your comments to )


This week I went to the moves twice. I saw ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher ‘s Stone’ and then we saw ‘The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring.’ I had read the J. R. R. Tolkien’s trilogy The Lord of the Rings a few times as a kid, and once or twice since. I have only read the four published books of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter in the last month. The Harry Potter books, like The Lord of the Rings, are fantasy novels, which take their readers into an imaginative world of magic, intrigue and drama.

The books and movie and merchandise about the pre-teen wizard have been incredibly popular. The movie had the top opening weekend in the US $187 million. It’s English Presbyterian author has become the first literary-billionare in history. (Bruce, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are not Satanic; How God is Operating in the Post Modern Era) Despite their popularity, what has concerned some parents is that such books could lead their children into an unhealthy interest in magic and the occult. One preacher, for example, warns: ‘No more can you say it is simply a fun story for kids, nothing more, or pretend that it has nothing to do with the occult. It has everything to do with the occult! It is in fact satan’s most hideous secret, and it is his coup d’etat over Christians who accept it! And in God’s eyes, it is no different than reading vile pornography. . By reading or watching Harry Potter you give satan the power he craves, and if you are a believer, you give him the mockery of believers he delights in.’ (Clary, The Harry Potter Funeral; cf. Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 14-30; Nelson, The Harry Potter Compromise) Our children are vulnerable and ought to be protected. The thoughts of parents who seek to guard themselves and their children ought only be applauded. There is enough apathy about what goes into our children’s minds and our own minds without our adding to it or ridiculing efforts to be careful.

Another perspective, though, is to see Harry Potter’s popularity as an opportunity to talk about spiritual matters with readers of Harry Potter. That is one reason why I think it is good to read and view Harry Potter and other parts of our popular culture. Leonard Sweet, lecturer in evangelism and postmodern Christianity at Drew University, writes, “The best way to defuse the principalities and powers of postmodern culture is not to escape from it, but to learn its language. and engage it on a higher level.” (SoulTsunami, 21, in Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 201)

A great biblical model for engaging one’s pagan culture is Daniel. Exiled in Babylon, ‘God gave [Daniel and his three mates] an unusual aptitude for learning the literature and science of the time. And God gave Daniel special ability in understanding the meanings of visions and dreams.’ (Dan 1:17)

When noone else could tell the King what his dream meant, Daniel explained why God sent the dream and what it said about the future! (Daniel 2) Connie Neal said, “God put Daniel in Babylon to be a light in the darkness-and he was. He was not afraid to read literature that resounded in the hearts of the people with whom he lived. He used his familiarity with this pagan culture to reveal the true and living God.” (Colson, Harry Potter: Can A Wizard Teach Moral Lessons?; cf. Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter)

I like Harry Potter because I enjoy good fantasy literature and good children’s fantasy literature. I look forward to reading C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling to my children when they are old enough. But aside from sheer enjoyment, I like Harry Potter because of its connections with gospel themes. Rowling has said in interviews she draws from a multitude of sources, historical, literary, mythical, and religious, to find themes and symbols she can bury in her fiction for readers to search for, discover, and hopefully pursue in other readings. (Groover, Harry Potter and the Living Stone or Don’t Be a Muggle!) Jo Rowling is writing seven books about Harry Potter. She has already drafted the final chapter of the seventh book, but has only published four books:

I. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

II. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

III. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

IV. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Each book describes one year of Harry’s training at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I would like to outline seven points of connection or great parallels between themes of Harry Potter and a Christian view of the world and people.


The books are so popular, in part because they connect with a real desire for significance and belonging, meaning and identity. Connie Neal reminds us that all children need to develop their own sense of identity, a sense that they are connected to a family, to friends, and even to God. (What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 80-82) They need to know that someone knows their name, where they live, in what circumstances they live, and that someone cares about them. Kids need a sense of belonging. Harry Potter beautifully finds a sense of belonging and identity early in the story. For almost eleven years he has been knocked around by his cousin Dudley, Aunty Petunia and Uncle Vernon with whom he is forced to live following the death of his parents while he was a baby. They force him to sleep under the stairs and do their household chores, and they continually pick on and make fun of Harry. Life for Harry begins pretty hard. He is not particularly attractive or intelligent, and like the rest of us experiences frustrating circumstances and misunderstanding people. Before Harry’s eleventh birthday, though, Hogwarts sends him his invitation to attend school. The first letter

Mr H. Potter

The Cupboard Under the Stairs,

4 Pivet Drive

Little Whinging, Surrey. (Rowling, Philosopher’s Stone)

Someone knows not only Harry’s name, but where he is staying and in what circumstances he lives. To keep Harry from magic, Uncle Vernon moves Harry to Dudley’s second bedroom, and then to a distant rocky island. However, the letters continue to come, and multiply, each addressed to Harry’s newest location. Neal comments; ‘This beautifully illustrates what children desperately need to know: Someone out there knows their name and knows where they live and where they belong. They not only have an identity; they have a destiny as well. And someone out there is calling them toward the place where they belong.’ (Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 80)

Harry had not realised that he had special powers. His Aunt and Uncle did all they could to stop him realising it. But then, finally, an unstoppable messenger, Hagrid, arrives. When Hagrid told him he is a wizard, Harry replies, “I can’t be a wizard – I’m just Harry.” (Rowling, Philosopher’s Stone) But with some explanation and adventure, Harry realises that he has a destiny greater than just living under the Dursely’s stairs as a lonely and friendless little boy. Previously, he had not known what was within him. He discovers what excites all of us – that there may be something special about us. Who knows, we may have gifts and abilities and potential we have not even begun to realise.

Just as Dumbledore sent Harry a written message, God sends us a written message – the Bible – to tell us of our identity and destiny. Psalm 139 tells us God made us wonderfully complex (v.14), and knows everything about us (v.1) including our thoughts (v.2) and wherever we are (v.3). We cannot ever hide from God. (v.7-12) We are so valuable to God he keeps his eyes on us. (2 Chr 16:9; cf. Mt 10:30) We are so special to God he pays individual attention to our prayers. We are so unique to God we have a place in his world for which he has made and prepared us. Jeremiah wrote, “For I know the plans I have for You,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (29:11) The psalmist confessed, ‘The Lord will work our his plans for my life.’ (Ps 138:8) He is calling us toward the place we belong. He has an identity and a destiny for us to form into. ‘For we are God’s masterpiece [or workmanship]. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.’ (Eph 2:10) God keeps knocking on our door calling us to a new identity and destiny.

Discussion question

What do you identify with most from Harry’s early years; neglect, poverty, discrimination, abuse, fears, dreams, the pressures to fit in, desires to accomplish something in life, the stresses of school, or something else? (Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 89)


Harry’s parents were killed by Lord Voldemort (or ‘He who can’t be named’), who tried to kill Harry but failed. The reason he failed is because of a stronger ‘magic’ brought about by the sacrifice of his mother. When she stood in front of Voldemort, she sacrificed herself to save Harry. When Voldemort then tried to kill Harry as well, the curse rebounded onto Voldemort and drained him of his powers. Later, when Voldemort tries to regain his life and powers, he is unable to touch Harry because of the protection on him because of his mother’s sacrifice motivated by her deep love for Harry. Dumbledore explains to Harry why Voldemort cannot touch Harry: “Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. He didn’t realise that love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark. Not a scar, no visible sign . to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. It is in your very skin. Quirrell, full of hatred, greed and ambition, sharing his soul with Voldemort, could not touch you for this reason. It was agony to touch a person marked by something so good.” (Rowling, Philosopher’s Stone, 216)

One of the wonderful things about Christianity, is that Jesus has sacrificed his life for us. He stood between the devil and us. He took the curse of sin and death in his own body. (Gal 3:13) He came as a person and died on the cross for us, motivated by his deep and passionate love for us. Jesus did this, ‘For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the Devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could he deliver those who have lived all their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.’ (Heb 2:14b-15) So now, the Devil cannot touch us. Those who have a living connection with Jesus can be sure death will not hold them down. (cf. 1 Cor 15; Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 194-196)

Mal Collins, pastor of Moonee Ponds Baptist Church, comments that Harry Potter, like Santa Claus, is for many children part of their world. They give children a sense of wonder and excitement, hope and fantasies. All of us need that sense of hope and optimism, but ultimately we need it grounded in reality rather than fantasy. The Bible talks about real, historical characters, especially Jesus who loved us so much that he sacrificed himself for our sake, and to have been loved so deeply leaves a special mark on his people.

When Harry explains to Tom Riddle (the character of Voldemort’s old life)

that his mother died to save him, Riddle’s realised what had happened: ‘So. Your mother died to save you. Yes, that’s a powerful counter-charm. I can see now – there is nothing special about you after all.’ (Rowling, Chamber of Secrets, 233) In that sense there is nothing special about Harry. Harry Potter is one of many magic people but he is the only one who has ever withstood Voldemort’s curse. He withstood Voldemort, though, not because of anything special intrinsic in him, but because of his mother’s loving sacrifice. Those who follow Christ, similarly, have special privileges and powers, not because of anything intrinsically good in themselves but because of their Saviour’s loving sacrifice.

Discussion question

Harry desperately needed love and encouragement, because the people he was left to depend on neglected him. When have people you depended on let you down? Who has been trustworthy and good to you like Harry’s headmaster Dumbledore? (Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 89-90)


Harry becomes increasingly aware of the power and nature of evil as he finds himself pitted against Voldemort and sees the terrible influence he has had in people’s lives. ‘It was Voldemort, Harry thought, staring up at the canopy of his bed in the darkness, it all came back to Voldemort . he was the one who had torn these families apart, who had ruined all these lives .’ (Rowling, Goblet of Fire, 528) Like the Bible describes Satan as a heavenly angel who went bad, Rowling describes Voldemort as a human wizard who went bad. Like Satan was described by Jesus (John 10:10), Voldemort comes to steal (the Sorcerer’s Stone), to kill (Harry’s parents, Harry, a student in the fourth book, many others), and to destroy. (Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 194) Since Voldemort’s downfall, he has form only when he can share another’s body, but he tells Harry, ‘there are always those willing to let me into their hearts and minds.’ (Rowling, Philosopher’s Stone, 213) One of these servants, Quirell, comments on his relationship with Voldemort as a hard task-master with a distorted view of evil and power; “Sometimes . I found it hard to follow my master’s instructions – he is a great wizard and I am weak . A foolish young man I was . full of ridiculous ideas about good and evil. Lord Voldemort showed me how wrong I was. There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it . I have let him down many times. He has had to be very hard on me . He does not forgive mistakes easily.” (Rowling, Philosopher’s Stone, 210-211) Rowling presents a very clear message about the nature of evil and the moral superiority of good; “There are both Good and Evil forces and people in our world. And Good is . . . well, Good! And Evil is . . . dangerous, bad, to be avoided, and even to be conquered by Good.” (Groover, Harry Potter and the Living Stone or Don’t Be a Muggle!)

Dumbledore warns the students against ignoring Voldemort’s evil. Voldemort murdered one of Hogwarts’ students, described in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in the most graphically wicked and disturbing episodes of the four books. Dumbledore tells the students to warn them of Voldemort’s character and reality, and of the tendency of others to ignore the threat: “The Ministry of Magic . does not wish me to tell you this. It is possible that some of your parents will be horrified that I have done so – either because they will not believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, or because they think I should not tell you so, young as you are. It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies.” (Rowling, Goblet of Fire, 626) CS Lewis wrote that there are two errors that Christians make in talking about the Devil. One error is to give him too much credit for the bad in the world and see devils behind every inconvenience. The other error is not to give him enough credit for the bad in the world and to ignore his existence and influence in our world, attributing everything to chance or human causes. There is evil in the world, against which we need to be alert as Harry was warned by his Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. (cf. 1 Peter 5:8-9; Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 196)

God does not want us to be afraid. Harry’s triumph over death drained Voldemort of power; he disappeared. He became a diminished spirit-being, only able to work sort-of behind the scenes to try and destroy Harry and regain power. Harry observes, “I’ve seen the real you, I saw you last year. You’re a wreck. You’re barely alive. That’s where all your power got you. You’re in hiding. You’re ugly, you’re foul!” (Rowling, Chamber of Secrets, 233) In our real world, there is a malevolent spiritual enemy working invisibly behind the scenes, but God provides protection. (Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 196) Harry is left with a lightning bolt scar from his encounter with Voldemort. Satan was cast down from heaven like lightning. and has been defeated further by Jesus’ sacrificial death. (cf. 1 Jn 4:4; Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 197)

Harry Potter’s experiences illustrate the nature of evil but it concerns some Christians that he makes magic look like a lot of fun. Flying around, controlling bullies, becoming invisible, and making annoying adults blow up like a balloon would all be convenient abilities. However, in our world, the Bible teaches that there are no ‘good’ witches or wizards. The magic Harry uses is not associated in the book with occult practice nor is it drawn from real occult spells. However, Pottermania could influence people to get involved in activities like witchcraft, sorcery and fortune-telling that the Bible warns us against. (Dt 18:9-14; Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 125-144) The reasons God warns against such activities are partly because of their occult connections and partly because God wants us to primarily trust in him. Magic is appealing because we can control our environment, but God invites us to trust him to be in control. Fortune-telling is appealing because we can know and prepare for the future, but God invites us to trust Him who knows and holds our futures. The Harry Potter books show the nature and undesirability of evil, but we need also to be careful to differentiate magic as a literary device from real world occult involvement. (On the literary classification of Potter Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 37-61)

In the face of the reality of evil in the world, unity is important on the side of good, as Dumbledore comments: “. we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. Lord Voldemort’s gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust. Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.” We need to hang on to our unity of purpose too and be careful to avoid division, mistrust and slander (even over Harry Potter). If our conscience does or does not allow us to engage some part of our culture – be it Harry Potter, a beer with one’s mates, or whatever – it is important to be gracious and respect others who hold different views from yourself. Some Christians who may believe Harry Potter is inappropriate could accuse those who read it of compromise. Those who read Harry Potter could accuse those who won’t of being superspiritual. We could all do well to listen to Dumbledore’s words at least on this matter and strive for open hearts and identical aims.

Discussion question

A boggart is a monster that takes on the form of your greatest fear when it appears in front of you. What shape would a boggart take if it appeared before you? (Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 201)


Part of Harry Potter’s popularity is the fun of his humorous experiences. Rowling’s wordplays shows real talent in making reading fun. For example, Professor Dumbledore has a bowl called a pensieve (a combination of pensive and sieve), which contains his excess thoughts until he needs them! The spells in Harry’s world (none taken from real spells) use clever terms that reveal their intention. A fidelius Charm, for example, can help someone keep a secret, while “Expelliarmus” is a spell that disarms an opponent. Rowling’ s characters find fun with their pets (and even the paintings on the walls of Hogwarts). There are many frightfully gross objects that readers can laugh at like yellow-green Bubo-Tuber Pus used to treat Acne that Herbology class students have to squeeze out of a plant. There is a huge variety of food and lollies, like Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans (including every flavour from chocolate or strawberry to vomit or earswax!) (Neale, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 82-83) Harry gives some money to some friends for them to start a jokes shop business. They push it back but Harry persists: “Listen,’ said Harry firmly. ‘If you don’t take it, I’m throwing it down the drain. I don’t want it and I don’t need it. But I could do with a few laughs. We could all do with a few laughs. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to need them more than usual before long.” (Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 635)

Harry can teach us to be able to laugh in the midst of challenges and not to take things too seriously. At the end of a deadly battles and facing an increasingly powerful enemy, Harry reflects; ‘There was no point worrying yet, he told himself, as he got into the back of the Dursleys’ car. As Hagrid had said, what would come, would come . and he would have to meet it when it did.’ (Rowling, Goblet of Fire, 636) Jesus invites us as his followers to a similar place when he says not to worry. (Mt 6:25-27; 10:19)

Solomon knew the importance of humour as he wrote ‘There is a time for everything [including] . a time to laugh’ (Ecc 3) and that ‘A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.’ (Prov 17:22)


In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (245), Harry wonders about his destiny. He wonders if he will serve evil like Voldemort and many others in Slytherin house at Hogwarts (all or most of the evil magicians came through that house.) When Harry had first come to Hogwarts the Sorting Hat had suggested Slytherin could help make him great, and Harry seems to have a lot in common with Voldermort and his powers. The wise headmaster Dumbledore calmly told Harry that the Sorting Hat did put him in Gryffindor House; “Listen to me, Harry. You happen to have many qualities Salazar Slytherin prized in his hand-picked students. His own very rare gift, Parseltongue [the ability to speak with snakes] . resourcefulness . determination . a certain disregard for rules,’ he added, his moustache quivering again. ‘Yet the Sorting Hat placed you in Gyffindor. You know why that was. Think.’ ‘It only put me in Gryffindor,’ said Harry in a defeated voice, ‘because I asked not to go in Slytherin .’ ‘Exactly,’ said Dumbledore, beaming once more. ‘Which makes you very different from Tom Riddle. It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

We all have choices to make. Some critics are concerned that Harry is a questionable role model because he models poor choices, gets ahead through breaking rules and lying, and shows a lack of respect for (certain)

authority figures. (E.g. Clary, The Harry Potter Funeral) I find the choices Harry and his friends makes to be positive, loyal, honest, and against oppression. They do breaks school rules, but usually when there is a greater purpose involved. For example, Harry flys on his broomstick before he is allowed, but does so to retrieve an object stolen from another student. (Rowling, Philosopher’s Stone) He goes out of bounds but for the sake of another friend in need. (Rowling, Prisoner of Azkaban) Potter may not model a constant do-gooder, but he does show that life includes difficult ambiguity and complex decision-making. Neale comments that Potter is not a simple morality play with evil easily seen, but neither is real life; ‘Simplistic moral instruction only goes so far . and . hold no instructive value in a complex moral world. Older kids already know right from wrong; what they need to grapple with is how to do right as they grow up in the face of peer pressure.’ (Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 166)

Dumbledore demonstrates that we need to live with principles and cannot expect to please everybody. With Harry’s help, he is encouraging Hagrid to return to work in the face of negative press about his teaching; “Really, Hagrid, if you are holding out for universal popularity, I’m afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time . Not a week has passed, since I became Headmaster of this school, when I haven’t had at least one owl complaining about the way I run it. But what should I do? Barricade myself in my study and refuse to talk to anybody?” (Rowling, Goblet of Fire, 394)

Hermione similarly stands up for her principles and for justice when she questions the use of house-elves; “You know, house-elves get a very raw deal!’ said Hermione indignantly. ‘It’s slavery, that’s what it is!’ . Why doesn’t anyone do something about it?” (Rowling, Goblet of Fire, 112; cf. 210) Hermione makes the positive choice to battle against apathy and indifference. Harry Potter shows the power of choices. In our world, we need more people – young and old – who will choose to question the injustices and unfairness of the world as it currently operates.

Discussion question

Which house do you think you would be sorted into and why?


Harry Potter also shows the inevitability of death. Nicolas Flamel (the name of a French Alchemist who in 1388 is credited with producing gold using a stone (Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 41-42; Schafer, Exploring Harry Potter, 2-3)) has lived for hundreds of years because of the Philosopher’s Stone’s magic. At the end of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’ s Stone Dumbledore tells Harry the stone is to be destroyed. Harry asks, “But that means he and his wife will die, won’t they?’ . [Dumbledore replies philosophically] ‘To one as young as you, I’m sure it seems incredible, but to Nicolas . it really is like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure.” (Rowling, Philosopher’s Stone, 215, cf. 218)

It is no surprise people seek the Philosopher’s Stone which promises all the gold and life the holder would want. Many in our world seem to want to be rich and to live for ever. To live for ever is a desire God has put in our hearts, because there is a place he wants us to be with him for ever where we can walk on streets of gold. But noone can steal their way in. The only way in is to have the curse of sin (that part of us that wants to live life our own way independently of God) taken away. Sin needs to be countercursed, and this can happen for anyone willing to receive Christ’s sacrifice on their behalf as a gift from God who deeply and passionately loves us. (cf. Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 197-200) Harry Potter illustrates that death will come to us all, but the gospel adds that Christ’ s sacrifice is an elixir offering fullness of life forever.

Discussion question

The Mirror of Erised reveals the deepest desires of your heart. What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? (cf. Ps 37:3-4; Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 89)


Harry Potters illustrates also the reality of another world. Neal (What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 90) comments that Hogwarts was real in Harry’s world for the first 11 years of his life, even though he did not know about it until he received the invitation to attend. God’s Kingdom is a parallel realm within reach in this world. In Harry’s world, people walk by the door that leads to the “magical realm” of Diagon Alley without realising. (Diagon Alley is where Harry buys his school supplies including his broomstick and magic wand.) Without ever noticing it for what it really is, they walk right past the magical entrance to platform 9 ¾ (for the Hogwarts Express train that takes the students to school.) In the real world, people pass by the entrance to God’s realm (Jesus, who is the door), and do not realise what they are missing out on. Jesus is the Way or the ‘portkey’ (a magical transport) to God’s Kingdom. (On portkeys see Rowling, Goblet of Fire, 62-69, 552) Once Harry got his invitation to Hogwarts, he had to believe it and respond to it by going to platform 9 ¾ and boarding the train to Hogwarts. God gives invitations to everyone to enter his Kingdom. When we get the invitation, we also have to be willing to believe it, respond and be changed into something new. We are invited to walk in faith, just like Hogwarts students who have to walk without hesitation ‘straight through the apparently solid barrier dividing platforms nine and ten.’ (Rowling, Goblet of Fire, 145)

Part of the appeal of Harry Potter is that sometimes we feel we got a bad deal. We see others who seem to have more opportunities, or nicer siblings, or more generous or more loving parents. And we just know–just like Harry–we were born for something better. Or, we wonder whether we will discover a long lost Uncle has died and left us a fortune. Noone can make you a wizard – that’s impossible in the real world. I can’t give you a magic wand, or an owl, or a bank account at Gringot’s, or a place at Hogwarts. But because of the sacrifice of love Jesus showed us (like Harry’s Mum showed him), God offers a new identity and purpose to live for. We can have new life in Jesus Christ. Just like Harry had to leave his old life, we may have to leave some things in your old life – your own garbage – and be willing for God to change you. Peter wrote, ‘Come to Christ, who is the living Stone [cornerstone] of God’s temple. He was rejected by the people, but he is precious to God who chose him. And now God is building you, as living stones, into his spiritual temple.’ (1 Pet 2:8-9) Like Harry, once we accept our destiny, we have to learn and equip ourselves for the tasks before us. As Christians, our learning is life-long as we, also, study ancient texts, discover fascinating people, and learn to rely on the power available to us through prayer and the Holy Spirit. And being a real child of God is even better than being a make believe wizard any day! (Groover, Harry Potter and the Living Stone or Don’t Be a Muggle!)

Discussion question

Which of the characters do you like best or identify with and why?


Can I love Jesus and like Harry Potter? I do, and I hope you may be able to as well. Harry Potter is a good story with some great themes with which the gospel connects. If we can discuss these themes and help children differentiate between magic as used as a literary tool in a fantasy genre from occult involvement in the real world, then Harry Potter could be a real asset in presenting the gospel and encouraging children to grow in goodness. (cf. Neal, What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter, 181-202) A Christian involved in popular media production commented, ‘Imagination is to be cultivated, even amongst us adults, not inhibited. God created us in His own image which means that we too can be creative and fanciful.’ As C.S. Lewis points out, “We must not be nervous about ‘parallels’ and ‘Pagan Christs’ they ought to be there -it would be a stumbling block if they weren’t. We must welcome them not, in false spirituality, withhold our imaginative welcome.” (Bruce, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are not Satanic; How God is Operating in the Post Modern Era)


Bruce, D. (2001). “J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are not Satanic; How God is Operating in the Post Modern Era Secondary J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are not Satanic; How God is Operating in the Post Modern Era” Hollywood Jesus Newsletter; Pop Culture from a Spiritual Point of View: 31 http://www.hollywoodjesus.com.

Clary, C. “The Harry Potter Funeral (Deuteronomy 18:9-12)”: Sermon Central. http://www.sermoncentral.com/sercentral/sermon.asp?SermonID=41486&ContributorID=6684 Accessed January 2002.

Colson, C. “Harry Potter: Can A Wizard Teach Moral Lessons? Secondary Harry Potter: Can A Wizard Teach Moral Lessons?”: BreakPoint with Chuck Colson, reproduced with permission in John Mark Ministries website. http://jmm.org.au/articles/1148.htm Accessed January 2002.

Groover, W. (2001). “Harry Potter and the Living Stone or Don’t Be a Muggle! (1 Peter 2:9-9)”: Sermon Central. http://www.sermoncentral.com/sercentral/sermon.asp?SermonID=41786&ContributorID=6615 Accessed January 2002.

Neal, C. (2001). What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter. Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Press.

Nelson, C. “The Harry Potter Compromise Secondary (Exodus 22:18-18)”: Sermon Central. http://www.sermoncentral.com/sercentral/sermon.asp?SermonID=41502&ContributorID=4839 Accessed January 2002.

Rowling, J. K. (1998). Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. London: Bloomsbury.

Rowling, J. K. (1998). Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. London: Bloomsbury.

Rowling, J. K. (1999). Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. London: Bloomsbury.

Rowling, J. K. (2000). Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. London: Bloomsbury.

Schafer, E. D. (2000). Exploring Harry Potter. London: Ebury Press.

Sweet, L. (1999). SoulTsunami. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.


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  1. […] [10] Darren Cronshaw, “Can I love Jesus and like Harry Potter?” http://jmm.org.au/articles/1173.htm […]

    Posted by Reading Harry Potter with Christian eyes | iDigress | October 8, 2013, 2:55 pm